1. Cleanliness is King. A clean home is a healthy home, and the only investment is elbow grease. A dirty home is a real turn off simply in health terms. You can only imagine the bacteria and germs that may be lurking about if you don't clean on a regular basis. Potential home buyers will cringe and begin to exaggerate the situation and will want a discount or at the very least be turned off to the home and leave. A clean looking and smelling home is priceless!
2. Cut & Trim. Overgrowth in the yard is another turn off. Most people do not like working in the yard and will fight you tooth and nail for you to clean the yard or pay for someone to do it. A couple of hours of elbow grease again can yield thousands in turn.
3. Fresh Coat. A fresh coat of paint in both the exterior and interior can double and even triple, if you do it yourself, your painting investment. Old, faded and chipping paint only means that somebody will need to do it before or after the sale, and the buyer will refuse to pay for it.
4. Flooring. Nothing looks worse than a hole in the floor or tiles that pop up or even a wood floor that squeaks so bad you think someone is wearing two live racoons on their feet. The flooring is basically the foundation of the home it needs to be strong.
5. Modern Appliance. By simply adding a new set of appliances will bring that old kitchen into the 21st century. Remember that the majority of home buyers will make their decision based on the efficacy of the kitchen so make it shine.
Hope these tips help your home gain a little value.